Places in Joshua 11

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Place Possible identifications (tap to highlight on the map)
Josh 11:1
  1. panorama of Tell KeisanTell Keisan

  2. closeup of Tel RegevTel Regev

  3. panorama looking south of Tell Bir el GharbiTell Bir el Gharbi

  4. ruins at Tel KabriTel Kabri

Josh 11:21
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Anab es SeghirehKhirbet Anab es Seghireh

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Anab al KabirKhirbet Anab al Kabir

Josh 11:2, 11:16
  1. panorama of the ArabahArabah

Josh 11:22
  1. panorama of Tel AshdodTel Ashdod

Josh 11:17
  1. cityscape of HasbayaHasbaya

  2. ruins at BaniasBanias

  3. panorama of Mount HermonMount Hermon

  4. satellite view of the region around Tell HaushTell Haush

  5. satellite view of the region around Ain JedeidehAin Jedeideh

  6. building at BaalbekBaalbek

Josh 11:3
  1. panorama of a region in Canaan from Mount TaborCanaan

Josh 11:2
  1. satellite view of the region around Tel KinrotTel Kinrot

  2. panorama of the Sea of GalileeSea of Galilee

Debir 1
Josh 11:21
  1. recent ruins at Khirbet RabudKhirbet Rabud

  2. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

  3. ruins at Khirbet TarramaKhirbet Tarrama

Gath 1
Josh 11:22
  1. panorama of Tell es SafiTell es Safi

  2. panorama of Tell esh ShariaTell esh Sharia

  3. satellite view of the region around Ras Abu HamidRas Abu Hamid

  4. panorama of Tel HarorTel Haror

  5. aerial panorama of Tel NagilaTel Nagila

  6. panorama of Tel EraniTel Erani

Josh 11:22
  1. satellite view of the region around Tell HarubeTell Harube

Josh 11:19
  1. well at El JibEl Jib

Goshen 2
Josh 11:16
  1. historical cityscape of Dahriyaabout 20 km around Dahriya

  2. panorama of Tel Halifabout 20 km around Tel Halif

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Tatritabout 20 km around Khirbet Tatrit

  4. artifact from Tell Beit Mirsimabout 20 km around Tell Beit Mirsim

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el Qaryateinabout 20 km around Khirbet el Qaryatein

  6. panorama of a plain in Goshen 1Goshen 1

Hazor 1
Josh 11:1, 11:10, 2 more
  1. aerial panorama of ruins at Tel HazorTel Hazor

Josh 11:21
  1. ruins at Tel RumeidaTel Rumeida

Josh 11:1
  1. panorama of Qarn HattinQarn Hattin

  2. satellite view of the region around Tell el KhirbehTell el Khirbeh

  3. ruins at MeironMeiron

  4. panorama of Maroun al RasMaroun al Ras

  5. cityscape of Bint JbeilBint Jbeil

  6. satellite view of the region around Har ZeviHar Zevi

  7. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el BiarKhirbet el Biar

  8. panorama of ruins at Khirbet MadinKhirbet Madin

Josh 11:8
  1. panorama looking south of an area including Khirbet el Musheirifeh, which is by the center to the left of the roadKhirbet el Musheirifeh

  2. closeup of the Litani RiverLitani River

  3. satellite view of the region around Ain MesherfiAin Mesherfi

  4. cliff at Rosh HaNikraRosh HaNikra

  5. satellite view of the region around SrifaSrifa

Mizpah 2
Josh 11:3
  1. panorama of Mount Hermonwithin 30 km of Mount Hermon

  2. aerial panorama of Qalat es SubeibehQalat es Subeibeh

  3. panorama of MarjayounMarjayoun

  4. cityscape of MetulaMetula

  5. satellite view of the region around Arnahabout 5 km around Arnah

  6. closeup of the Litani RiverLitani River

Mount Halak
Josh 11:17
  1. satellite view of the region around Jebel HalaqJebel Halaq

Mount Hermon
Josh 11:3, 11:17
  1. panorama of Mount HermonMount Hermon

Mount Seir 1
Josh 11:17
  1. satellite view of the region around Jebel esh Sheraregion around Jebel esh Shera

  2. panorama of mountains southwest of the Dead Seamountains southwest of the Dead Sea

Josh 11:2
  1. ruins at Tel DorTel Dor

  2. ruins at Tel Dorregion around Tel Dor

Josh 11:16
  1. panorama of hills in the NegebNegeb

Josh 11:2, 11:16
  1. panorama of hills in the ShephelahShephelah

Josh 11:1
  1. ruins at Tel ShimronTel Shimron

  2. panorama of Maroun al RasMaroun al Ras

Josh 11:8
  1. satellite view of the region around the Sandikli archaeological site in SidonSandikli archaeological site in Sidon

Valley of Lebanon
Josh 11:17
  1. panorama of the Beqaa ValleyBeqaa Valley

  2. panorama of the upper Huleh Valleyupper Huleh Valley

Valley of Mizpeh
Josh 11:8
  1. panorama of Mount Hermonabout 30 km around Mount Hermon

  2. aerial panorama of Qalat es Subeibehabout 10 km around Qalat es Subeibeh

  3. panorama of MarjayounMarjayoun

  4. cityscape of Metulaabout 10 km around Metula

  5. satellite view of the region around Arnahabout 5 km around Arnah

  6. closeup of the Litani Riverabout 10 km around the Litani River

Waters of Merom
Josh 11:5, 11:7
  1. satellite view of the region around En MeronEn Meron

  2. closeup of Nahal AmudNahal Amud

  3. panorama of Lake HulehLake Huleh

  4. closeup of Wadi MeironWadi Meiron

  5. closeup of Nahal DishonNahal Dishon

  6. satellite view of the region around Birket Hafour el AhmarBirket Hafour el Ahmar

  7. satellite view of the region around Ein el KhirbaEin el Khirba

  8. panorama of Nahal ArbelNahal Arbel

  9. satellite view of the region around the Bint Jbeil water storageBint Jbeil water storage

  10. satellite view of the region around Biar es SukkerBiar es Sukker

Image Credits

Aaadir, Hanay, Aaadir, Henry Pelgrift, Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019, Anastasia Pozdnyakova, Yairapple, AMCHE, EdoM, Almog, Saadedine AL SAIDI, Bahnfrend, Bahnfrend, hatul, Hanay, hatul, Ori~, Danny Gershoni, Aaadir, Amos Meron, יפעת אופק, Ar2332, Rami Atwan, Danny Gershoni, Didia, AVRAMGR, Dr. Avishai Teicher, Zeromancer44, Yael Alef, Own work, עמית אבידן, זאב שטיין, sunshinecity, Eternalsleeper, אסתי קפלן, ABRAHAM GRAICER, Staselnik, Adiel lo, Godot13, Bukvoed, ליאור גולגר, Davidbena, Hanay, Rasmus Bøgeskov Larsen, Jotpe, Oren Peles, סימה כרמון, yfrimer, שמעון יטאח, TijsB


This page attempts to identify all possible locations for every place mentioned in this chapter of the Bible.

The isobands you see on the map (gray areas with dark borders) attempt to give you confidence where a region is. Because many ancient regions aren't precisely defined, I consulted atlases to determine where the biblical region is located and used that data to build the isobands. The smaller isobands reflect more confidence that the given isoband is in the region, while the larger isobands reflect less confidence. Isobands are a kind of contour line that here indicate confidence levels.