100 Bible Verses about Truth Of Scripture

2 Timothy 3:16 ESV / 345 helpful votes

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

2 Peter 1:20 ESV / 211 helpful votes

Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation.

John 17:17 ESV / 192 helpful votes

Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV / 154 helpful votes

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

John 16:13 ESV / 125 helpful votes

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.

2 Peter 1:20-21 ESV / 122 helpful votes

Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

John 8:32 ESV / 116 helpful votes

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

2 Timothy 2:15 ESV / 93 helpful votes

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

Psalm 19:7 ESV / 88 helpful votes

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;

John 14:6 ESV / 86 helpful votes

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Revelation 22:18 ESV / 77 helpful votes

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book,

John 1:14 ESV / 74 helpful votes

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Revelation 21:5 ESV / 56 helpful votes

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

Psalm 119:160 ESV / 56 helpful votes

The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.

John 8:31-32 ESV / 44 helpful votes

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 4:24 ESV / 44 helpful votes

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Psalm 25:5 ESV / 40 helpful votes

Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.

Ephesians 4:15 ESV / 39 helpful votes

Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ,

1 Corinthians 2:14 ESV / 39 helpful votes

The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.

John 10:35 ESV / 39 helpful votes

If he called them gods to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be broken—

1 John 3:18 ESV / 38 helpful votes

Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

Proverbs 30:5 ESV / 37 helpful votes

Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.

1 John 2:1-29 ESV / 31 helpful votes

My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: ...

Hebrews 11:1 ESV / 31 helpful votes

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

1 Corinthians 12:1-31 ESV / 31 helpful votes

Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that when you were pagans you were led astray to mute idols, however you were led. Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says “Jesus is accursed!” and no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except in the Holy Spirit. Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; ...

1 Peter 2:9 ESV / 30 helpful votes

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Ephesians 1:17 ESV / 30 helpful votes

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him,

Jude 1:3 ESV / 29 helpful votes

Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.

Hebrews 11:1-40 ESV / 29 helpful votes

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, through which he was commended as righteous, God commending him by accepting his gifts. And through his faith, though he died, he still speaks. By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him. Now before he was taken he was commended as having pleased God. ...

James 1:18 ESV / 28 helpful votes

Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.

Ephesians 4:11-16 ESV / 28 helpful votes

And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, ...

Proverbs 12:22 ESV / 28 helpful votes

Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.

Psalm 86:11 ESV / 26 helpful votes

Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.

2 Peter 3:15-16 ESV / 23 helpful votes

And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.

Proverbs 30:5-6 ESV / 23 helpful votes

Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.

Ephesians 6:14 ESV / 22 helpful votes

Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,

John 8:44 ESV / 22 helpful votes

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 ESV / 21 helpful votes

But test everything; hold fast what is good.

John 1:17 ESV / 21 helpful votes

For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

1 John 1:6 ESV / 19 helpful votes

If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

3 John 1:4 ESV / 18 helpful votes

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

John 3:16 ESV / 18 helpful votes

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

1 John 5:20 ESV / 17 helpful votes

And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.

Revelation 1:1 ESV / 16 helpful votes

The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,

1 John 2:27 ESV / 16 helpful votes

But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.

John 15:26 ESV / 16 helpful votes

“But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.

2 Kings 1:1-18 ESV / 16 helpful votes

After the death of Ahab, Moab rebelled against Israel. Now Ahaziah fell through the lattice in his upper chamber in Samaria, and lay sick; so he sent messengers, telling them, “Go, inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover from this sickness.” But the angel of the Lord said to Elijah the Tishbite, “Arise, go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria, and say to them, ‘Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron? Now therefore thus says the Lord, You shall not come down from the bed to which you have gone up, but you shall surely die.’” So Elijah went. The messengers returned to the king, and he said to them, “Why have you returned?” ...

1 John 1:8 ESV / 15 helpful votes

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

James 1:1-27 ESV / 15 helpful votes

James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion: Greetings. Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. ...

Ephesians 4:21 ESV / 15 helpful votes

Assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus,

Philippians 4:8 ESV / 14 helpful votes

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

John 14:17 ESV / 14 helpful votes

Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.

Psalm 34:13 ESV / 14 helpful votes

Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.

Psalm 15:2-3 ESV / 14 helpful votes

He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart; who does not slander with his tongue and does no evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his friend;

1 Corinthians 2:1-16 ESV / 13 helpful votes

And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. ...

1 Corinthians 1:28 ESV / 13 helpful votes

God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are,

Romans 1:1-32 ESV / 13 helpful votes

Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy Scriptures, concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations, ...

John 16:7 ESV / 13 helpful votes

Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.

Psalm 51:6 ESV / 13 helpful votes

Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.

Psalm 43:3 ESV / 13 helpful votes

Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling!

Psalm 12:6 ESV / 13 helpful votes

The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times.

1 Peter 1:22 ESV / 12 helpful votes

Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart,

James 5:12 ESV / 12 helpful votes

But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Ephesians 4:25 ESV / 12 helpful votes

Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.

Romans 1:18 ESV / 12 helpful votes

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.

John 18:37-38 ESV / 12 helpful votes

Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” After he had said this, he went back outside to the Jews and told them, “I find no guilt in him.

Proverbs 10:32 ESV / 12 helpful votes

The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked, what is perverse.

Psalm 119:142 ESV / 12 helpful votes

Your righteousness is righteous forever, and your law is true.

Psalm 119:30 ESV / 12 helpful votes

I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I set your rules before me.

1 Timothy 6:3-5 ESV / 11 helpful votes

If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain.

John 14:26 ESV / 11 helpful votes

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

Psalm 119:89 ESV / 11 helpful votes

Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.

Psalm 22:1-31 ESV / 11 helpful votes

To the choirmaster: according to The Doe of the Dawn. A Psalm of David. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer, and by night, but I find no rest. Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. In you our fathers trusted; they trusted, and you delivered them. To you they cried and were rescued; in you they trusted and were not put to shame. ...

Joshua 1:8-9 ESV / 11 helpful votes

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

1 Corinthians 13:4-6 ESV / 10 helpful votes

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.

John 14:1-31 ESV / 10 helpful votes

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” ...

Colossians 1:1-29 ESV / 9 helpful votes

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father. We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, ...

Galatians 1:6-10 ESV / 9 helpful votes

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Matthew 28:20 ESV / 9 helpful votes

Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Zechariah 8:16 ESV / 9 helpful votes

These are the things that you shall do: Speak the truth to one another; render in your gates judgments that are true and make for peace;

Psalm 33:4 ESV / 9 helpful votes

For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness.

2 Timothy 4:2 ESV / 8 helpful votes

Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.

2 Timothy 3:13 ESV / 8 helpful votes

While evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

1 Timothy 4:3 ESV / 8 helpful votes

Who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.

Matthew 4:4 ESV / 8 helpful votes

But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Psalm 145:18 ESV / 8 helpful votes

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

Deuteronomy 32:4 ESV / 8 helpful votes

“The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he.

2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 ESV / 7 helpful votes

Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing. Therefore we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith in all your persecutions and in the afflictions that you are enduring. This is evidence of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are also suffering— ...

John 8:36 ESV / 7 helpful votes

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

John 5:1-20:31 ESV / 7 helpful votes

After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Aramaic called Bethesda, which has five roofed colonnades. In these lay a multitude of invalids—blind, lame, and paralyzed. One man was there who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?” ...

John 3:18 ESV / 7 helpful votes

Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

John 3:16-17 ESV / 7 helpful votes

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

John 3:3 ESV / 7 helpful votes

Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

John 1:1 ESV / 7 helpful votes

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Luke 2:51 ESV / 7 helpful votes

And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.

Psalm 25:10 ESV / 7 helpful votes

All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.

Jude 1:4 ESV / 6 helpful votes

For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 2:2 ESV / 6 helpful votes

And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed.

1 Corinthians 15:20 ESV / 6 helpful votes

But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.

Romans 3:1-9:33 ESV / 6 helpful votes

Then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the value of circumcision? Much in every way. To begin with, the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God. What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God? By no means! Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written, “That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged.” But if our unrighteousness serves to show the righteousness of God, what shall we say? That God is unrighteous to inflict wrath on us? (I speak in a human way.) ...

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