100 Bible Verses about Faith In Jesus

John 3:16 ESV / 238 helpful votes

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Hebrews 11:1 ESV / 225 helpful votes

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Galatians 2:20 ESV / 215 helpful votes

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Ephesians 2:8-9 ESV / 178 helpful votes

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Hebrews 12:2 ESV / 166 helpful votes

Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 11:6 ESV / 162 helpful votes

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

Acts 16:31 ESV / 136 helpful votes

And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

1 Peter 1:8-9 ESV / 134 helpful votes

Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

Romans 5:1 ESV / 110 helpful votes

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Mark 11:22-24 ESV / 106 helpful votes

And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Ephesians 2:8 ESV / 101 helpful votes

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,

2 Corinthians 5:7 ESV / 100 helpful votes

For we walk by faith, not by sight.

John 20:29 ESV / 97 helpful votes

Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

John 6:35 ESV / 97 helpful votes

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.

Romans 10:9-10 ESV / 93 helpful votes

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.

Romans 10:9 ESV / 91 helpful votes

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

John 14:1 ESV / 77 helpful votes

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.

Romans 10:17 ESV / 71 helpful votes

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

John 1:12 ESV / 62 helpful votes

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,

Galatians 2:16 ESV / 56 helpful votes

Yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.

John 6:47 ESV / 56 helpful votes

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life.

1 John 5:4-5 ESV / 41 helpful votes

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

John 6:50-71 ESV / 37 helpful votes

This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. ...

James 2:19 ESV / 36 helpful votes

You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!

John 7:38 ESV / 36 helpful votes

Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”

John 5:24 ESV / 36 helpful votes

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.

John 14:6 ESV / 35 helpful votes

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Mark 10:52 ESV / 35 helpful votes

And Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he recovered his sight and followed him on the way.

Romans 1:17 ESV / 33 helpful votes

For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”

John 11:25-26 ESV / 33 helpful votes

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

Ephesians 2:10 ESV / 32 helpful votes

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

1 Peter 3:18-22 ESV / 31 helpful votes

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they formerly did not obey, when God's patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water. Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers having been subjected to him.

Luke 7:50 ESV / 29 helpful votes

And he said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”

Mark 11:22 ESV / 29 helpful votes

And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God.

James 2:14 ESV / 28 helpful votes

What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?

Acts 2:38-39 ESV / 28 helpful votes

And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.”

John 20:19-24 ESV / 28 helpful votes

On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.” ...

1 John 5:5 ESV / 25 helpful votes

Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

John 6:55-59 ESV / 25 helpful votes

For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like the bread the fathers ate, and died. Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” Jesus said these things in the synagogue, as he taught at Capernaum.

Mark 16:16 ESV / 25 helpful votes

Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

Mark 16:15-16 ESV / 25 helpful votes

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

John 10:27-30 ESV / 24 helpful votes

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. I and the Father are one.”

Hebrews 11:1-40 ESV / 23 helpful votes

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, through which he was commended as righteous, God commending him by accepting his gifts. And through his faith, though he died, he still speaks. By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him. Now before he was taken he was commended as having pleased God. ...

John 6:67-71 ESV / 23 helpful votes

So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.” Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you, the twelve? And yet one of you is a devil.” He spoke of Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the twelve, was going to betray him.

James 1:3 ESV / 22 helpful votes

For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.

Romans 2:6-8 ESV / 22 helpful votes

He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury.

Ephesians 3:14-20 ESV / 21 helpful votes

For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, ...

Revelation 14:12 ESV / 20 helpful votes

Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.

John 6:29 ESV / 18 helpful votes

Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.”

Matthew 9:6-8 ESV / 18 helpful votes

But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he then said to the paralytic—“Rise, pick up your bed and go home.” And he rose and went home. When the crowds saw it, they were afraid, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to men.

Hebrews 11:1-3 ESV / 17 helpful votes

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.

John 3:36 ESV / 14 helpful votes

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.

Matthew 17:20 ESV / 14 helpful votes

He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”

1 Corinthians 11:1-2 ESV / 13 helpful votes

Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you.

Romans 1:16-17 ESV / 13 helpful votes

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”

Acts 4:12 ESV / 13 helpful votes

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

1 Peter 5:1-14 ESV / 12 helpful votes

So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” ...

Romans 15:13 ESV / 12 helpful votes

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

John 6:68 ESV / 12 helpful votes

Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,

Mark 5:25-34 ESV / 12 helpful votes

And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, and who had suffered much under many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was no better but rather grew worse. She had heard the reports about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his garment. For she said, “If I touch even his garments, I will be made well.” And immediately the flow of blood dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease. ...

Matthew 21:22 ESV / 12 helpful votes

And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

Matthew 16:15-19 ESV / 12 helpful votes

He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

1 John 5:13 ESV / 11 helpful votes

I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.

1 John 1:9 ESV / 11 helpful votes

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Luke 15:7 ESV / 11 helpful votes

Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.

Hebrews 12:1 ESV / 10 helpful votes

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

Galatians 3:26 ESV / 10 helpful votes

For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.

Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV / 10 helpful votes

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

1 John 5:4 ESV / 9 helpful votes

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

1 Timothy 1:14 ESV / 9 helpful votes

And the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

2 Thessalonians 2:15 ESV / 9 helpful votes

So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.

John 3:16-17 ESV / 9 helpful votes

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

Luke 19:1-10 ESV / 9 helpful votes

He entered Jericho and was passing through. And behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus. He was a chief tax collector and was rich. And he was seeking to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not, because he was small in stature. So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was about to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today.” ...

Luke 1:47-49 ESV / 9 helpful votes

And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.

Matthew 7:21-23 ESV / 9 helpful votes

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Hebrews 6:1 ESV / 8 helpful votes

Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God,

2 Timothy 1:12 ESV / 8 helpful votes

Which is why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me.

1 Timothy 6:10 ESV / 8 helpful votes

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

2 Thessalonians 3:6 ESV / 8 helpful votes

Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep away from any brother who is walking in idleness and not in accord with the tradition that you received from us.

John 8:24 ESV / 8 helpful votes

I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins.”

Isaiah 41:10 ESV / 8 helpful votes

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Mark 9:23 ESV / 7 helpful votes

And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.”

James 1:6 ESV / 6 helpful votes

But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.

Ephesians 6:16 ESV / 6 helpful votes

In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;

John 11:40 ESV / 6 helpful votes

Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?”

John 4:23 ESV / 6 helpful votes

But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.

John 3:18 ESV / 6 helpful votes

Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

Luke 7:1-10 ESV / 6 helpful votes

After he had finished all his sayings in the hearing of the people, he entered Capernaum. Now a centurion had a servant who was sick and at the point of death, who was highly valued by him. When the centurion heard about Jesus, he sent to him elders of the Jews, asking him to come and heal his servant. And when they came to Jesus, they pleaded with him earnestly, saying, “He is worthy to have you do this for him, for he loves our nation, and he is the one who built us our synagogue.” ...

Mark 11:24 ESV / 6 helpful votes

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Matthew 21:21 ESV / 6 helpful votes

And Jesus answered them, “Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ it will happen.

Matthew 15:28 ESV / 6 helpful votes

Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly.

Habakkuk 2:4 ESV / 6 helpful votes

“Behold, his soul is puffed up; it is not upright within him, but the righteous shall live by his faith.

James 2:14-26 ESV / 5 helpful votes

What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. ...

Luke 17:5 ESV / 5 helpful votes

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”

1 John 3:1 ESV / 4 helpful votes

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

1 Timothy 5:22 ESV / 4 helpful votes

Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, nor take part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure.

Galatians 3:22 ESV / 4 helpful votes

But the Scripture imprisoned everything under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

1 Corinthians 16:13 ESV / 4 helpful votes

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

John 20:31 ESV / 4 helpful votes

But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

John 14:12 ESV / 4 helpful votes

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.

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