Psalm 102:8 Cross References

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Psalm 102:8

All the day my enemies taunt me; those who deride me use my name for a curse.

Acts 26:11

And I punished them often in all the synagogues and tried to make them blaspheme, and in raging fury against them I persecuted them even to foreign cities.

Psalm 69:9-10

For zeal for your house has consumed me, and the reproaches of those who reproach you have fallen on me. When I wept and humbled my soul with fasting, it became my reproach.

Acts 23:12-35

When it was day, the Jews made a plot and bound themselves by an oath neither to eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. There were more than forty who made this conspiracy. They went to the chief priests and elders and said, “We have strictly bound ourselves by an oath to taste no food till we have killed Paul. Now therefore you, along with the council, give notice to the tribune to bring him down to you, as though you were going to determine his case more exactly. And we are ready to kill him before he comes near.” Now the son of Paul's sister heard of their ambush, so he went and entered the barracks and told Paul.

Acts 7:54

Now when they heard these things they were enraged, and they ground their teeth at him.

Jeremiah 29:22

Because of them this curse shall be used by all the exiles from Judah in Babylon: “The Lord make you like Zedekiah and Ahab, whom the king of Babylon roasted in the fire,”

Isaiah 65:15

You shall leave your name to my chosen for a curse, and the Lord God will put you to death, but his servants he will call by another name,

Psalm 89:51

with which your enemies mock, O Lord, with which they mock the footsteps of your anointed.

Psalm 69:20

Reproaches have broken my heart, so that I am in despair. I looked for pity, but there was none, and for comforters, but I found none.

Psalm 55:3

because of the noise of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked. For they drop trouble upon me, and in anger they bear a grudge against me.

Psalm 31:11-13

Because of all my adversaries I have become a reproach, especially to my neighbors, and an object of dread to my acquaintances; those who see me in the street flee from me. I have been forgotten like one who is dead; I have become like a broken vessel. For I hear the whispering of many— terror on every side!— as they scheme together against me, as they plot to take my life.

Psalm 2:1

Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?

Romans 15:3

For Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me.”

Luke 6:11

But they were filled with fury and discussed with one another what they might do to Jesus.