
Small experiments with Bible data.

Bible Book Browser (August 2007)

Browse to any chapter in the Bible instantly.

Bible Word Locator (September 2007)

Explore the frequency and dispersion of words in the Bible.

Bible Verse Photo Composites (February 2008)

See a photo composite for each verse in the Bible based on Flickr images.

Bible Sentence Paths (April 2008)

Visualize sentence paths. Every word is a pixel; every sentence is a line. Turn right for every new sentence and add some metadata.
Visit Bible Word Paths

Bible Translation Googleshare (November 2008)

The relative popularity of English Bible translations, as inferred from public Google data.
The chart is generated by Google.

Bible Translation “Personas” (September 2009)

Personality profiles of English Bible translations.
Visit Bible Translation Personas

Bible Cross References (April 2010)

Browse over 340,000 cross references in the Bible.
Visit Bible Cross References

Text Year Calculator (December 2010)

Calculate the average year of the vocabulary used in text.

Bible Reference Parser Demo (November 2011)

A demonstration of a Javascript Bible reference parser: enter text and watch the computer interpret the Bible passage references (e.g., John 3:16) it contains. It’s not actually very exciting: it just demonstrates code hosted on Github.

Bible Cross References Interactive Visualization (February 2012)

Visualize Bible cross references at a book level.
Visit Bible Cross References visualization

Kids’ Bible Stories throughout History (November 2013)

Popular stories from kids’ Bibles from 1830 to 2013.
Visit Kids’ Bibles

Historical Twitter Lent Tracker (March 2014)

What Twitterers have been giving up for Lent since 2009.
For example, see what fast-food restaurants people are giving up.

AI-Generated Bible Art (July 2022)

1,734 Bible illustrations created by AI.
DALLĀ·E 3: Illustration of a person in a dimly lit, serene room, showing a transition from struggle to joy. The left half depicts a person kneeling, their face buried in hands, in an attitude of prayer, surrounded by shadows that seem to encapsulate their troubles. The room gradually brightens toward the right, where another person is standing with arms raised, sunlight streaming through a window, as colorful notes float around, symbolizing their joyful singing.
Pray and praise (Jas 5:13)

AI-Assisted Bible Study (August 2022)

Explore AI-assisted Bible study with AI-generated prompts for each chapter of the Bible. Vote on helpful or unhelpful prompts.
Visit AI-assisted Bible study

2023 Cross Reference Bible Reading Plan (December 2022)

Read through Hebrews one verse every day along with its cross references to understand how the verse fits into the larger story of Scripture. AI-generated content explains how the main verse and each cross reference relate to each other.

AI Sermon Outline Generator (January 2023)

Generate sermon outlines with AI, starting with a Bible passage.
Visit the AI sermon generator

Bible Section Sankey Diagrams (October 2024)

Explore how different translations delineate sections in Bible books.
Visit the Sankey diagrams