Places in 1 Kings 22

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Place Possible identifications (tap to highlight on the map)
City of David
1Kgs 22:50
  1. tilt-shift cityscape of the City of DavidCity of David

1Kgs 22:47
  1. ruins at BuseiraEdom

1Kgs 22:48
  1. satellite view of the region around Tell el KheleifehTell el Kheleifeh

  2. panorama of Jezirat FaraunJezirat Faraun

  3. ruins at AqabaAqaba

  4. cityscape of EilatEilat

1Kgs 22:42
  1. aerial cityscape of JerusalemJerusalem

1Kgs 22:48
  1. bridge in southwestern Arabiasouthwestern Arabia

  2. panorama of hills in PuntPunt

  3. ruins at SoparaSopara

  4. ruins at AdulisAdulis

  5. natural area in GoaGoa

  6. satellite view of the region around Mahd adh DhahabMahd adh Dhahab

  7. panorama of oasis in OmanOman

  8. buildings at PoovarPoovar

  9. ruins at SofalaSofala

  10. coastline of Sri LankaSri Lanka

  11. panorama of a mountain in SumatraSumatra

1Kgs 22:3, 22:4, 5 more
  1. satellite view of the region around Tall er RumeithTall er Rumeith

  2. satellite view of the region around Tall al HusunTall al Husun

  3. ruins at Ar RamthaAr Ramtha

  4. cityscape of As SaltAs Salt

  5. building at Iraq al AmirIraq al Amir

Samaria 1
1Kgs 22:10, 22:37, 2 more
  1. ruins at SamariaSamaria

Syria 1
1Kgs 22:1, 22:3, 3 more
  1. panorama of a plain in Syria 1Aram

Tarshish 2
1Kgs 22:48
  1. natural area at HuelvaHuelva

  2. ruins at CarthageCarthage

  3. gate at TarsusTarsus

  4. panorama of the coast of CyprusCyprus

  5. panorama of a natural area in EtruriaEtruria

  6. cityscape of CádizCádiz

  7. panorama of cliffs on SardiniaSardinia

  8. coastline of RhodesRhodes

Image Credits

Avraham Graicer, Uri, Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019, Abdozaghloul, Bel Adone, Tango7000, Godot13, Bernard Gagnon, Abukar Musa, Nahushraj, Selaloulol, Dominik Hundhammer, Hendrik Dacquin, Kulvinder Bisla, Jules Frémeaux, Raveenhw, Fajran08, Yorudun, Omernos, Makeandtoss, Ovedc, Dr. Avishai Teicher, Juan José Rodríguez, Calips, Nedim Ardoğa, Deensel, iguagua, Diego Delso, Isiwal, Karelj


This page attempts to identify all possible locations for every place mentioned in this chapter of the Bible.

The isobands you see on the map (gray areas with dark borders) attempt to give you confidence where a region is. Because many ancient regions aren't precisely defined, I consulted atlases to determine where the biblical region is located and used that data to build the isobands. The smaller isobands reflect more confidence that the given isoband is in the region, while the larger isobands reflect less confidence. Isobands are a kind of contour line that here indicate confidence levels.