Map Overlays for Google Earth

Historical maps give you insights you can’t get from satellite imagery alone. (Adjust the transparency and turn on the terrain layer for the best effects.)


Google Earth (KML, no preview available)

Google Earth screenshot showing a partially transparent map overlaying Jerusalem.

Ancient Jerusalem

Snapshots of the overlays in the above Google Earth file:

Modern Jerusalem

Snapshots of the overlays in the above Google Earth file:


Most images copyright ©2000 by Cartography Associates. From the David Rumsey Map Collection. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. Other images are copyright The Jewish National & University Library, Shapell Family Digitization Project, Eran Laor Cartographic Collection and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dept. of Geography, Historic Cities Project. Used with permission. Please note that the images are made available under different terms from most of the rest of the site. See the KML file for full attribution.