Modern locations of places in the Bible:

Western cliff of Wadi Makkuk


Latitude, Longitude31.907274, 35.310588
Palestine 1928 Grid Coordinates (?)179490/146034
Point Precision1 km
Coordinates Source
Precise Coordinates Noteswestern cliff of the Wadi Makkuk canyon; the upper part of the wadi is called Wadi el Suneisila; Kraeling, Rand McNally Bible Atlas (1966) (page 135): "The best track to Bethel is from ’Ain ed Duq via the Wadi Lereid, which, after an initial climb of fifteen hundred feet, makes the remaining seventeen hundred feet of the ascent in easier grades. From Jericho to Ai by this route is thirteen miles;" thus, while I can’t find other evidence for Wadi Lereid, I think Wadi Lereid is the lower Wadi Makkuk
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Biblical places associated with the western cliff of Wadi Makkuk


closeup of part of the western cliff of Wadi Makkuk
Credit: Bukvoed (modified)