Places in the Bible Today:

Valley of Jericho


Translated NamesJordan Valley, Plain, Valley of Jericho, valley of Jericho
Geo Data KML (for Google Earth)
GeoJSON (for GIS applications)

1 Identification

  1. Valley of Jericho (ancient): very high confidence
    1. panorama of the Valley of JerichoValley of Jericho

Verses (1)

Deut 34:3

Linked Data Identifiers

SourceIdentifier (2007)Plain, Valley of Jericho
OpenBible.infoac9a77c (Valley of Jericho)


panorama of the Valley of Jericho
Credit: Uuuxxxyyyzzz (modified)


This page identifies the current consensus around the modern location of this biblical place.

While I consulted sources for this place, there were no major disputes about its modern location.