Places in the Bible Today:

Gath 3


Translated NamesGath, Gittite
Geo Data KML (for Google Earth)
GeoJSON (for GIS applications)

4 Possible Identifications

  1. another name for Gath 1 (ancient): 80% confidence. It may be:
    1. panorama of Tell es SafiTell es Safi

    2. panorama of Tell esh ShariaTell esh Sharia

    3. satellite view of the region around Ras Abu HamidRas Abu Hamid

    4. panorama of Tel HarorTel Haror

    5. aerial panorama of Tel NagilaTel Nagila

    6. panorama of Tel EraniTel Erani

  2. another name for Gath-rimmon 1 (ancient): 25% confidence. It may be:
    1. panorama of Tel GerisaTel Gerisa

    2. panorama of Tel ZetonTel Zeton

    3. satellite view of the region around Ras Abu HamidRas Abu Hamid

  3. another name for Gath-hepher (ancient): less than 10% confidence. It may be:
    1. satellite view of the region around Tel Gat HeferTel Gat Hefer

    2. cityscape of MashhadMashhad

  4. another name for Gittaim (ancient): less than 10% confidence. It may be:
    1. satellite view of the region around Ras Abu HamidRas Abu Hamid

    2. cityscape of RamlaRamla

    3. cityscape of JettJett

    4. ruins at Al BurjAl Burj

    5. cityscape of Al Birawithin 30 km of Al Bira

    6. cityscape looking south including Khirbet el Burj at the top of the hill at centerwithin 30 km of Khirbet el Burj

    7. building at Nabi Samwilwithin 30 km of Nabi Samwil

    8. satellite view of the region around Ras et Tahunehwithin 30 km of Ras et Tahuneh

    9. well at El Jibwithin 30 km of El Jib

    10. cityscape of Bidduwithin 30 km of Biddu

    11. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Raddanawithin 30 km of Khirbet Raddana

    12. aerial panorama of Tell en Nasbehwithin 30 km of Tell en Nasbeh

    13. building at Lodwithin 7 km of Lod

Verses (2)

  1. 2Sam 6:10
  2. 1Chr 13:13

Linked Data Identifiers

OpenBible.infoa0ac467 (Gath 3)


  1. Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (1992): Obed-edom (person)
  2. Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary (2013): Obed-Edom
  3. Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (2000): Obed-edom
  4. Gordon, I and II Samuel (1986): 2Sam 6:9-10
  5. Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (2003)
  6. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1979): Obed-edom
  7. Lexham Bible Dictionary (2016)
  8. New Bible Dictionary (1996)
  9. New Interpreter’s Bible Dictionary (2009): Obed-Edom
  10. New Unger’s Bible Dictionary (1988): Obed-edom
  11. Tyndale Bible Dictionary (2001)
  12. Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia (1975): Obed-edom
  13. Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible (2010): Obed-Edom

Confidence Trends over Time

This chart indicates how confidence in the identifications is changing over time. Each dot (connected by a dotted line) reflects the confidence of an identification over the preceding ten years (e.g., the 2009 dot reflects scholarship from 2000 to 2009), and the corresponding solid line reflects a best-fit line for the identification. Confidences that cluster near or below 0% indicate low confidence. Because of the small dataset, it's best to use this chart for general trends; if one identification is trending much higher than the others (in this case, another name for Gath 1), then you can probably have higher confidence in the identification. This chart only reflects the sources I consulted (listed above), not an exhaustive review of the literature.

Places with Similar Names

Thumbnail Image Credits

Ori~, Danny Gershoni, Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019, Aaadir, Amos Meron, יפעת אופק, Ori~, Dr. Avishai Teicher, Hanay, ניר 1985, ת.ר., ישראל פרקר Israel Preker, יעקב, Ori~, Alexey Goral, Ar2332, יעקב, דניאל צבי, רחל שרוני


This page attempts to identify all the possible locations where this biblical place could be. It's best to think about the confidences in relative rather than absolute terms. Often they reflect different schools of thought, each confident in their identifications.